The Matcha eucalyptus mix bouquet from Shida adds a contemporary touch to your home. This arrangement is the perfect home accessory, featuring naturally dried, lush green foliage and delicate fresh-looking preserved flowers that are a sustainable and conscious way to decorate your home. The cool hues of the Matcha bouquet can be teamed with vibrant vases for a pop of home decor. Take ourDenzal VaseorCary Vasewith Scandi vibes and orange hues. Bringing the beauty of the outdoors into your living space all year round, the Matcha bouquet is handmade per order and arrives ready to arrange in your favourite vase. Gift-wrapped in a flat-packed box, which fits perfectly through your letterbox, making these preserved flowers the ideal, long-lasting accessory for your home, or for a present with that wow factor.
Note: Each preserved bouquet is hand-prepared to order and is subject to slight changes due to the seasonality of the foliage and flowers used. However, the overall colour palette and style of the bouquet will stay the same.
Care: Preserved flowers must not be placed in water or kept in a very humid environment. Keep flowers at room temperature, position them out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources such as radiators or fireplaces to avoid drying out the stems. Lightly dust the flowers using a hairdryer on the cool setting. Always position the hairdryer at a metre distance from the flowers. The flowers have been preserved using natural dyes. To prevent transfer of colour, do not place in contact with fabrics or furnishings.
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